
Where to Install Your Envi Heater in the House

eHeat | 31st Jul 2014

The Envi heater is perfect particularly for the small spaces in your home. Built to warm a room sized approximately 135 square feet or less, it's best to install your Envi in a bathroom, study, spare bedroom or small kitchen. Keep in mind the wattage of the Envi is low at 450 because it's meant to be left running for some time before the room heats up.


The primary reason an Envi heater is great for a bathroom is its superior safety. The risk of water exposure in a bathroom is higher than any other room in most homes. Keep your Envi heater safely and securely mounted to any wall in your bathroom and it will stay free and clear of water.


Is your study the cold room in the house? Many Envi owners use the heater to provide full heating to their studies. As long periods of time are spent in these rooms for work-related tasks, it's important to ensure comfort.

Spare Bedroom

Envi heaters are popular for spare bedrooms which commonly do not heat evenly, either due to exposed outside walls, large windows or vents which do not work properly. Envi heaters draw cold air up from the floor and turn it into warm air using Stack Convection Technology. With no fan to blow this warm air about, the spread of allergens is prevented.


Kitchens in old homes can be some of the most exposed, due to extensive cabinetry and the sink area. These parts of the kitchen, particularly if the original woodwork is still present, usually lack insulation and let in a lot of cold air. A lack of sub-flooring in the kitchen, as well as the rest of a home, can make the kitchen cold too. Balance out the uneven heating of this room simply with an Envi heater.


Some buyers note that Envi heaters do not heat up a room quickly like cheaper 1,500 watt wall heaters commonly available at big box retailers. However, the Envi heater is geared towards savings over the lifetime of its usage. Today consumers are more worried about their long-term utility costs, rather than simply the cost to install, and this is the primary reason the Envi heater was created. 


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